viernes, 19 de junio de 2009


On third of June students from 1ESO- A and 1ESO-B went to the book fair at the Retiro park. There we were given sheets of paper with sites that had to take a picture of. But we had to discover where these sites were by guessing a riddle. We had to make the photos within a time-limit. Then, in groups of four or five people we ran and took pictures. The group that took pictures of all the places and spent less time in doing it won more points than the other teams. It was fun!

The winner team was formed by Lolo, Kel, Alba and Anais. Congratulations girls!!!

After that, all the teams met at the starting point and there we rested for a while.
Then, we walked to where the book stalls were. The teachers let us go on our own to visit the different stalls of the book fair and we bought some books.

The teachers who came with us were Miss Mayte, Miss Loly, Mr. Fernando, Miss Mª José, Miss Cristina and Miss Iciar.


jueves, 11 de junio de 2009


When we used plastic bags, these go to stop to the sea and more than 200 different species of animals die by this cause.
If we used fabric shopping bags or paper bags, we would save more or less 6 plastic bags per week and person that is to say 24 plastic bags in a month each person .
The plastic bags are dragged…

to different parts of our planet.



On 21th May the students from 1st year of E.S.O went to La Pedriza with Loly , Mercedes, Cristina and Maite.
We walked and walked about 1 hour but we enjoyed it.
When we arrived to “el valle del cabrón” we looked for a treasure. We spent almost half an hour looking for it . At last a man helped us to find the treasure, then Loló left her yo-yo and Mercedes wrote that in the notebook.

After eating we continued trekking.

We walked down until we arrived to “Cancho de los muertos”. There, Mercedes explained us a story about the meaning of the name of this place.

We finished the food that we carried and some people went further with Mercedes. We stayed there a while and then we went down by other way and we arrived to Manzanares river and some people put her feet into the water.

After this, we went to meet our partners Amine and Alejandro who were waiting there for us.

Kel Nkondock Fernández de Puelles (1ºESO-B)

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009


We unconsciously use a lot of figures of speech when we speak.
In Spanish and English they are plenty of them.
Some figures of speech are very cool.
Here I’m writing some examples: palindromes, limerick and jokes.

Greeks invented palindromes. Palindromes are words you can read from the beginning to the end in the same way as from the end to the beginning. These are some examples in English and in other languages:
“Nada, yo soy Adán”
Madam, I'm Adam (Señora, soy Adán)
Madam, in Eden I'm Adam (Señora, en el Edén soy Adán).
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama! (Un hombre, un plan, un canal: ¡Panamá).
Satán oscillate my metallic sonatas.
“In girum imus nucte et consumimur igni” (damos vueltas en la noche y somos consumidas por el fuego… ¿qué es? Es la antorcha)
“Éspoe reste ici et se repose”(Esopo se queda aquí y descansa)
“Νίψον ανομήματα, μη μόναν όψιν (Lavad vuestros pecados, no solo vuestra cara).

It is a type of poetry that has got this structure:
1st verse: it presents the protagonist.
2nd verse: Protagonist´s characteristics.
3rd and 4th verse: protagonist´s adventures.
5th verse: the end.

Some examples of limericks are:

  • "There was an old man of Devizes
    Whose ears were of different sizes
    The one that was a small
    Was of no use at all
    But the other won several prizes."

  • "There was a young man from Bengal.
    Who went to a fancy-dress ball
    He went just for fun
    Dressed up as a bun
    And a dog ate him up in the hall."

Jokes: They’re short texts to cause laughter. They don't always rhyme.


lunes, 1 de junio de 2009


I want to recommend you a great place that you have to visit. It’s Ecuador, which is a very nice country.
It isn’t very big but there’re a lost of interesting and beautiful towns and villages as for example Baños.

Baños is in a valley where there’re some waterfalls and thermal waters and the Tungurahua volcano is there too.

Ecuador’s capital city is Quito. It’s an interesting place but it is a bit noisy like Madrid.

Quito is very special because there you can find a famous monument, which is situated exactly at the latitude 0-0'-0''. It marks the division between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. This site is known as The Middle of the World (La Mitad del Mundo).

I hope you like this information about Ecuador and I really recommend you to visit this wonderful country if you can!!!